Electrogenomics Group Unravelling the electrical and genetic causes of cardiovascular mortality


The Electrogenomics group was established in 2015 by Professors Munroe, Lambiase and Tinker. This is a collaboration between the William Harvey Research Centre at QMUL and UCL’s Institute of Cardiovascular Science. We joined forces in a broad scale attempt to unravel the electrical and genetic causes of cardiovascular mortality. The team includes world-leading experts in cardiac electrophysiology (Prof. Andy Tinker, QMUL and Prof. Pier Lambiase UCL), genetics (Prof. Patricia Munroe, QMUL) and biomedical engineering (Dr. Michele Orini, KCL), with talented research fellows and PhD students with bioengineering, clinical and genetics training.


Our Publications

Our Publications

We study complex phenotypes of cardiac electrophysiology and response to heart rate dynamics. Building on recent publications by the group, further studies are underway to improve our understanding of the mechanisms linking genetics, functional biology, electrophysiology and cardiovascular disease, and the integration of these biomarkers to optimise risk prediction of cardiac events.

Our Research

Our Research

Our research activities and impactful public engagement efforts have been acknowledged through awards, funding and recognitions from leading conferences, consortia, institutions, and by press attention.

Our Team

Our Team

Our team includes world-leading experts in cardiac electrophysiology, genetics and biomedical engineering; with talented research fellows and PhD students with bioengineering, clinical, genetics and computational training.


Medical Research Council (MR/N025083/1 and MR/R017468/1), People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007/2013) under REA grant agreement 608765, the UCL/UCLH Biomedicine NIHR and the NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Centre at Barts and QMUL.